State to Publish Crucial Statistics on COVID-19: Telangana High Court

On June 8th,2020, Telangana High Court directed the State to not only publish crucial statistics on COVID-19 on the Internet; but have it published on the front pages of all the Newspapers in the Print Media.

The Chief Justice bench noticed that people should be aware of the fact; that the pandemic is only increasing rapidly. It is essential that people should be attentive; that they are required to take necessary precautions for controlling the pandemic.

Explicitly, the bench recorded the submission that all vital statistics are not only collected; but also inspected weekly. Therefore, the data is readily available with the State Government. Thus, it should not be difficult for the State to publish the data daily. Amid March 2020, COVID-19 began to spread across the State. Notably, the State Government issued  Media Bulletin daily, containing detailed information. However, after the COVID-19 cases started rising regularly, no crucial information stood published. The bench noticed the most recent Media Bulletin dated 26.05.2020 hardly shows the increase of total positive cases; of COVID-19 as on that date.

It was submitted that within the last two weeks. The number of persons infected with COVID-19, has been increasing rapidly. Moreover, no relevant data stands published. People at large believe that the pandemic is no longer a serious illness; and that they are safe to venture out and ignore the safety measures being prescribed by the Government.

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