Lex Insider is nonprofit legal journalism in India. We do in-depth investigations of topics to highlight issues of importance in India's legal system. We specifically focus on the larger picture and discuss ways to improve access to Justice for the world's biggest democracy.
“Will the quest for equality and fraternity be denuded of its content where women continue to be treated as children of a lesser god in exercising their liberties in matters of belief, faith and worship? Will the pursuit of...
Digital learning has taken a new turn in India – this time with coding classes as a niche for 6-year-olds. With the shutting of schools in lockdown, pushy Indian parents got a fresh excuse to make their children learn...
India's economy is often categorized as an emerging one. Our government, in 1991, took drastic steps to liberalize its economy and encourage the role of private players. This helped in loosening the state's grip on major lucrative plans, which was...